Monday, November 2, 2009

"Suite Meals #1"

My clever husband decided I should call the meals I make in my little hotel room (efficiency) "Suite Meals". He is very creative....that is what I tend to call them. This is more like a second meal from leftovers...But he was so proud and said that I HAD TO POST IT...
So, Here it is. My first SUITE MEAL:

Chili Carne Mac n Cheese (My husband took the pictures too...)

2 cps. of my Chili Carne (Remade it this weekend for friends for Halloween)
1 box of Velveeta Mac and Cheese
1/2 tsp. Cayenne Pepper
1/4 cp. crushed tortilla chips.

1. Boil the pasta. Drain. Set aside.
2. Add the Velveeta Cheese, Chili and Cayenne..Cook until boiled.
3. Add the noodles and stir. Put in a bowl and top with the chips....

Needless to say, my husband ate the whole bowl. LOL. I usually do not post simple recipes like this, but he enjoyed it so much. He begged for me to post it....

By the way, YES...That is a jalapeno in his beer. It is his favorite way to drink his beer. I introduced it to him after I seen Bobby Flay do it...Now, he never drinks without one!


  1. Love it!!! Mac and cheese from leftovers is great!!

  2. Clever husband...and the creative you :)) I am sure it is delish!

  3. Great use of leftovers!

  4. I love the "Suite Meals" idea. This chili-mac looks really good, and if I were a beer drinker, I'd make everyone drink their's with a jalapeno. Like that idea.

  5. Oh.My.Word.

    I still have yet to make your nearly-world-famous chili, but I'm afraid after seeing this little alteration that it's no longer able to be a "I might make it" recipe, but rather, "I MUST MAKE IT." I mean, holy cow. Who would have ever thought of adding the gloriousness of Velveeta to homemade chili?!?! DUH!!!! I'm ashamed to say the thought has never even come close to my mind. I'm so glad you're a genius, Miranda.

    Glad to see the "Suite" isn't inhibiting your creativity!!! :)

  6. A mighty fine job for someone with NO KITCHEN!!! You go girl!

  7. You're off to a great start cooking in your "new" home!

  8. I'm quite tempted by this... Also, jalapeno in beer? ... that might be the best combo ever...


Thank you so much for letting me know how you feel about my dishes.